Welcome to the Home Workout Ideas website This website has been setup by a fitness enthusiast and his friends to provide a wealth of ideas, suggestions and solutions for those who wish to workout at home or outdoors and not only at the gym. You might be looking to supplement your gym visits with some home training for those occasions when you just don’t have the time to make it to the fitness center. Some of you might be looking to eschew the gym for a while or on a more permanent basis and want to work out at home or in the backyard. Our mission is to provide you with a range of … Read More

The Best Suspension Trainers 2023
If you're looking for the best suspension trainer of 2023, then you've come to the right place. In previous years, there were only a few brands of suspension … [Read More...]

Why Choose Yoga For Your Home Workouts?
I first got into Yoga in my late teens, when I became a keen runner & then began suffering from tight hamstrings & hips. I was the one in class who couldn't … [Read More...]

How using a FitBit has changed the way I workout
Working out has changed dramatically over the course of the past decade thanks to the number of technical advances that have come to light during that time. One of … [Read More...]
Home Weight Training Ideas

Bowflex SelectTech 552: Are these the Best Adjustable Dumbbells?
We recently did a feature on whether cheap adjustable dumbbells were worth investing your money in so we thought we’d … [Read More...]

What is the Best Kettlebell Weight for Beginners?
If you are thinking of taking the plunge and having a go at kettlebell training then congratulations! Kettlebell … [Read More...]
Travel Exercise Advice

How to Look Your Best by the Pool
If you want to look your best on the beach and by the pool then follow in the footsteps of the Geordie Shore lads and … [Read More...]

Holiday Workout Ideas
If you’ve got your holidays coming up and are worried about missing vital training sessions while away from home and the … [Read More...]