Not me obviously
I am definitely on a roll here and have now been to the gym three days in a row. Once upon a type I’d go to the gym at least five days a week every week but times have changed and I don’t have as much free time as I used to or the motivation.
Once I’ve done three days in a row though things usually start to unravel. I am training on a three day split so now that I have done my three days I need to take a break. Once I miss one day for a break I tend to find it really hard to get back in the gym again the following day. Perhaps I will just go and do some cardio to keep the momentum going.
Check back in a couple of days to find out whether I made it back to the gym!
Back & Biceps
I got to the gym at about 7pm, about an hour earlier than the last two days, but again it was packed. I had to re-jig my routine and improvise again but I felt I got in an OK workout in.
Lat Pull-down: Normally I start off with some wide grip chin ups but the bar was in use so I did some light pull downs on the lat machine to get warmed up. 3 sets of 8 with a lightish weight.
Chin-ups with Wide Grip: Just managed to squeeze out 3 set of 8 reps. This is one of my favourite exercises as I can really feel my back and arms getting a good workout.
Dumbbell Rows: Normally I’d do some seated cable rows but yes you guessed it the machine was in use. I used to like doing dumbbell rows but the weights here are too light so not really worth the time. But today I had to do something so did 3 sets of 8 reps with the 50 lb / 22kg dumbbells.
Bent Over Smith Machine Rows: I don’t normally do this exercise but it went better than I expected. The smith machine is such a joke of a piece of gym equipment but its all I have so (hopefully?) better than nothing. Once again 3 sets of 8 reps with 60 kg.
Dumbbell Hammer Curls: The EZ bar was in use so made do with some dumbbell hammer curls to give the biceps one last workout.
Weight Plate Curls: The EZ bar never became available so had to improvise and do some curls holding a 20kg plate with both arms. Sort of worked.
I was in and out of the gym in about 40 minutes but quite a bit of waiting around. Need to get some weights at home or join a new gym ASAFP!
Just so you don’t think I’m doing it all wrong, in the past I my back routine used to look like this:
- Deadlifts
- Bent Over Barbell Rows
- Wide Grip Pull Ups
- Close Grip Cable Rows
As my current gym doesn’t have the facility to do any of these exercises I do what I did today.
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