Let’s Get Toned
If you are unsure whether you want a toned body or exactly what one is read this article first. Remember you can’t fly with bingo wings so why keep them?
If you know what you want and are ready to get it keep on reading this page and start following this workout.
To get a toned body, the number of sets you do of each exercise should be three plus a warm-up set. The number of repetitions you do of each exercise per set should be between eight and 12. Choose a weight that is heavy enough so that you can only just finish the last rep of each set. If you feel like you can keep on going then the weight is too light. Do a warm-up set before you start for which you should use a light weight, maybe one of those pink ones someone has just done 100 reps with.
Remember we want to get a toned body not just a toned arm or thigh so you will need to be working each of the main muscle groups in your body. This is a recommendation for an exercise routine to get a toned body and is a good place to start for those training at home or on a tight time schedule or with limited equipment.
Complete this routine two to three times a week with at least one full day between each workout to let your muscles recover and the toning process to take effect.
Dumbbell Bench Press: Lying flat on your back on a bench or the floor hold a dumbbell in each hand by your sides. Push the weights up towards the celling tensing your chest muscles as you go. Let the weights almost touch above your head with your arms out stretched towards the ceiling. Lower the weights back to the starting position.
Muscles Exercised: Chest, shoulders and triceps.
Body Parts Toned: Chest and breast areas get a natural lift as the muscles beneath them become more pronounced. Upper arms become tighter and the process of eliminating bingo wings begins. Shoulders become stronger and firmer.
Overhead Shoulder Press: Stand with your knees slightly bent and your feet just beyond shoulder width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and then lift the weights up towards the celling so that they almost meet above your head. To finish bring the weights down so they are at shoulder level with your palms facing out in front of you and your elbows by your side.
Muscles Exercised: Shoulders and triceps.
Body Parts Toned: Continuing where the bench press left off this exercise works on your shoulder areas and gives your upper arms another good workout getting you closer to being wingless.
Dumbbell Tricep Extensions: In the standing position hold a dumbbell in one hand and stretch your arm up towards the ceiling. Bend your arm at the elbow and lower it behind your head so the weight is almost touching your back while keeping your elbow pointing to the ceiling. Raise the weight up to the starting position to complete the exercise. Do the full amount of reps before changing arms.
Muscles Exercised: The tricep.
Body Parts Toned: This is the final exercise to really workout the underside of the upper arms. Sleeveless shirts here we come!
Dumbbell Curls: Continue to stay standing and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Hold the weight so your palms are facing outwards in front of you and your arms are hanging down by your side. Bend your arms at the elbow and bring the weights up so they are almost touching your upper arms. Lower your arms from the elbow to return to the starting position.
Muscles Exercised: The biceps.
Body Parts Toned: The opposite side of the upper arms to the triceps benefits most from this exercise but the forearms also get a secondary workout.
Dumbbell Squats: In the standing position hold a weight in each hand with your arms hanging down by your sides with your palms facing your body. Bend your legs as if you are trying to sit down on a chair and keep going down as far as you can. Do not let your knees go beyond your toes; you are not squatting down into a crouching position but squatting down as if to sit on a chair. Go at least as far as getting your upper legs parallel with the ground but the lower you can go the better. Keep your back straight at all times and then once you have gone down as far as you can push up through your toes to the starting, standing position.
Muscles Exercises: Glutes, hamstrings, thighs and core.
Body Parts Toned: This is probably the best exercise for an all-round workout and is essential for all women who want to get a toned body. It targets the most common areas of compliant such as the bum, thighs, calves and stomach. Do not skip this exercise!
Dumbbell Lunges: Get into the same starting position as the squats but this time take a big step forward with one leg. Pause for a second or two then push off the floor with that front leg to return to the starting position. Take a big step forward with the other leg and repeat the exercise.
Muscles Exercises: Glutes, hamstrings and thighs
Body Parts Toned: This works similar muscles to the dumbbell squats and also tones the same areas. Do this in combination with the squats to ensure you are giving these muscle groups and body parts a thorough workout.
And that’s it for this guide on how to get a toned body. You can finish off with some ab work such as crunches, traditional sit-ups or the plank but remember the rule about keeping the reps low and the weight high. Doing 100 sit-ups is pointless. If you want to tone those muscles then you need to do lower reps with a heavier weight and this also applies to the abs and stomach muscles. Try weighted crunches and keep the rep range in the eight to 12 bracket to really workout those muscles and get a toned stomach.
If you want to get toned using a kettlebell instead of a dumbbell have a look at our Women’s Kettlebell Workout.